Amisco Fabrics & Finishes Every monitor / display shows colors differently. Colors you see on your screen may differ from the color of the actual fabrics and finishes!Metal Finishes 75_Cobrizo 74_Falcon 73_Mineral 61_Pure 57_Metallo 56_Titanium 53_Dayglam 52_Oxidado 51_Harley 27_Sun gold 25_Black coral 24_Magnetite Fabrics / Vinyls KZ_Silverpoint KY_Mustard KX_Boardwalk KW_Artichoke KV_Gatsby KT_Mushroom KR_Thunder KP_Honeycomb KO_Illusion KM_Floeberg KL_Complicity KK_Serenity KJ_Hibiscus KH_Beet KG_Labyrinth KF_Valentine KE_Cactus KD_Cosmos JU_Sheep JT_Merino JS_Breezy JR_Stellar JQ_Tuxedo JP_Interlink JO_Fossil JN_Ginseng JM_Oceanic JL_Emerald JK_Cerulean HY_Prima